Information about the Dutch government

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Dutch Permit

Depending on if you want to work in the Netherlands, from which country you are originally and what period you want to stay you may need a residence- or work permit.

Via this link you can find out more information about applying for a residence permit and via this link about applying for a work permit.

Registration (BRP)

Everyone living in the Netherlands is required to register in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP or Municipal Personal Records Database) at the Town hall of the place where you are living.  Most Municipalities (‘Gemeenten’) require registration within five days of arriving in the Netherlands. For ‘registration from abroad’ you need to make an appointment at the ‘Gemeente’ where you are living. Before leaving the Netherlands, you need to unsubscribe also free of charge at the local town hall. You can find more information on this via this link.


When you want to stay in the Netherlands for four months or more, you need need to register at the town hall in the municipality where you are living. You will receive a BSN number which you need to start working, and open a bank account, for taxes, benefits, etc. For more information, you can click on this link.


For communication with several official institutes such as the Belastingdienst (Dutch tax office), the Dutch police, or the Health Insurance Company, you will need a DigiD (short for Digital Identification). More information on DigiD and how to apply for or activate a DigiD you can find here.

Drivers license in the Netherlands

How and if you can use your (foreign) drivers license in the Netherlands, you can find it via this link.


Social security and arranging your finances


Information about Dutch health care


Useful websites for migrant workers

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