About us

Would you like to work on better housing and working conditions for international workers in the Netherlands? Lento will solve it for you.

Lento's mission

In the Netherlands, tens of thousands of international workers play a crucial role. Without them, supermarket shelves would remain empty. Packages would not be delivered within a day. And fresh vegetables wouldn't come from the land. These dedicated workers work hard, but often it is difficult to find decent housing. Although some employers treat their international employees well, we unfortunately still hear too often stories about abuses, exploitation and unsafe living conditions. With Lento.eu we are going to change this. Lento.eu helps these people to easily find suitable housing and is a reliable partner for hosts who want to be taken care of.

Living & working

Lento has developed an innovative approach in which employment and rental contracts are carefully separated. This approach emerged from the increasing need to improve the living conditions and rights of international workers. An issue that has become increasingly important over the years.

A crucial source that contributed to the development of the concept of Lento is the report compiled by the committee led by former Dutch SP politician Emile Roemer. This report, entitled 'No second-class citizens: Recommendations to combat abuses among migrant workers in the Netherlands' is very well known in the Netherlands. It emphasized the need to improve the working and living conditions of international workers and called for greater separation between their employment contracts and rental contracts to combat abuses and exploitation.

Dutch legislation and international treaties form the basis of Lento. These regulations have changed over time to strengthen the rights and protection of migrant workers. Lento uses these legal frameworks to create a system where they keep the security of their employment contract, regardless of their housing situation. This increases stability for international workers and increases their independence by not having to rely on their employers for housing.

In short, Lento's concept builds on insights from the Roemer report and uses existing legislation to strengthen the position of international workers and improve their living conditions. By separating employment and rental contracts, Lento strives to create a more fair and better balance between living and working for international workers in the Netherlands and abroad.

Arranged at home

Lento offers international employees the opportunity to choose suitable accommodation that meets our strict standards before their arrival in the Netherlands. This means that, just like booking a holiday accommodation online, they can rely on comfortable accommodation once they get here. This allows them to work worry-free and efficiently in their new workplace from the start.

Lento strives to provide international workers with high-quality housing, so they can fully focus on their work and do not have to worry about their stay in the Netherlands.

Well informed

Lento.eu is the information platform for migrant workers in the Netherlands. Our platform provides them with essential information about their living location and life in the Netherlands. This not only concerns housing, but also practical matters such as municipal registrations, health insurance, BSN (Citizen Service Number), social security, local healthcare and aid institutions, and educational opportunities for their children. Through this extensive support, we offer international employees the tools and knowledge to build their lives in the Netherlands independently and confidently.

At Lento we strongly believe in offering a warm welcome to international employees. Our mission is to help them make a smooth transition to their new home country and ensure that they feel welcome and supported during their stay in the Netherlands.

Fair contracts

With Lento.eu we have developed an innovative solution that offers migrant workers and employers the necessary flexibility and peace of mind. Lento.eu simplifies the contracting process for all parties involved. Our platform uses standard contracts that separate the employment contract and the rental contract of migrant workers. As a result, ending the employment contract no longer automatically results in the employee being obliged to at once leave the home. A fair approach to protect the rights and security of international workers. So honest!

Multi language support

Lento.eu is a multilingual platform, available in the languages English, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian and Dutch. We understand the importance of accessibility. And therefore, offer contracts in the native language of the international employees. Through this multilingual approach, we make it more attractive for migrant workers to work in the Netherlands, which is essential given the tightness on the labor market. We desperately need these employees to grow our economy.

Lento believes that decent housing is a crucial factor in attracting highly educated and hardworking people to the Netherlands. If international employees cannot find suitable housing, they are less motivated to come to the Netherlands to contribute to the labor market and society. That's why Lento strives to reduce barriers and provide international employees with the support they deserve. Both in their own language and in Dutch culture.

Compliant & decent housing

Lento helps employers take good care of their international employees by providing them with decent living space that meets applicable standards.

It is crucial that international employees can count on living space that meets the applicable regulations and quality standards. By working with Lento, employers can ensure they meet these requirements. Which not only promotes the satisfaction and well-being of their employees, but also prevents possible legal issues.

Taking care of rentals

Lento offers an innovative solution for hosts who want to rent their homes effortlessly and directly to consumers. Our platform takes care of all administrative tasks, including rent collection, to make the rental process as efficient and carefree as possible.

In addition, Lento is not only available to individual hosts, but also to large employers and employment agencies that are looking for a way to achieve the separation of living and working. Our platform integration makes it possible to link Lento.eu to the own systems of these organizations. Resulting in a seamless and streamlined experience for both hosts and tenants.

Lento makes rental simple and effective, whether you are an individual host or an organization with several international employees.